Sunday, June 15, 2008

Stamp Carving

The other day Dick Blick had a whole display of linoleum blocks and rubber carving blocks. So I had to buy a few of each to play with. I thought I should start easy and carve the softer material first. What the package says is true "cuts like butter", it is so easy to carve, but I am not sure it would hold up to much abuse since it is so soft. Time will tell. Very fun though.


  1. Beautiful.

    What ink/paint did you use?

    Thank you -


  2. thanks jill! It's been such a long time i can't remember exactly what i used then, but mostly likely it was textile paint, since I always have that around. I have since discovered that acrylic inks work wonderfully with hand carved stamps. I use them on fabric and paper with great results. Works well applied with a foam brush.
